Concerts and festivals (mobile)
Thierry MAUCCI live in Concerts and Festivals Jazz
Thierry MAUCCI gives regularly concerts in 2 places known well by the music lovers live: Intermédiaire et lnga des Riaux in Marseille.
He played from solo to quintet, during the following Festivals :
L'Agglo au rythme du Jazz
Rives de Giers
Banlieues Bleues
Radio France
Printemps du jazz à Nîmes
Ulrishberg (Autriche)
Jazz à Mulhouse
Festival d'Avignon
Jazz à la Seyne-sur-Mer
Discover Thierry MAUCCI in repetition with ECBR and J.M. PADOVANI (at the end of the video), filmed during the Jazz festival Nimes Métropole in October, 2007.